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The need to know profile January 29, 2008

Posted by rickbron in Management Principle, Need to know.
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p5130012.jpg Getting poor results from employees because you did not tell them what they need to know? The big Dogz know how to overcome this problem by using the “Need to Know” principle of management. Here it is:  

For each employee customize your communications based upon their need to know profile. 

Just how do you get a need to know profile? The Big Dogz use the following process. Whenever you give someone some information about a task or situation, provide the information you think they need to know. When you are finished providing information and verifying they understood you, ask them one final question.  

“Is there anything else you need to know? “ 

If they respond no, you are finished and have done an excellent job of customizing this communication. You can expect them to absorb the information or to successfully complete the task you have given them. 

If they ask you a question, answer it and remember the question. Ask them again if there is anything else they need to know. Repeat this process until they say no.  

Go back to your office and take out their file. In this file write the topics they asked questions about. These are the topics that are important to them. In future communications with them make sure you include information related to these topics. 

Like the Big Dogz, you will see more motivated employees, more effective communication and most importantly more effective results. Start today and create a need to know profile for each or your employees.